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CultureHow to to Celebrate Black History on Your Social Media Channels
celebrate black history on your social media channels

How to to Celebrate Black History on Your Social Media Channels

Black History Month is a time of celebration and education. But you may be wondering how to celebrate Black History on your social media channels.

February is here, and guess what? We are using ALL 28 days to celebrate and honour Black History Month! Black History Month is a time of celebration, reflection and education on the past and present contributions made to society by black people across the diaspora.

So, you may be asking yourself, how do I show support for this on my social media channels?

The best part is that you don’t need to be an influencer or a well-established brand. Anyone that is an ally towards black causes can use their platforms to make some noise this February. In this article, we will discuss 4 things that you can do to celebrate Black History Month on social media.

Advocate by Any Means

The fight towards ending injustices that many black people face is not over. While Black History Month is certainly a period of positivity, this does not mean that you shouldn’t stop advocating for causes that matter. As it stands, there are still countless black people either wrongfully convicted or unfairly treated by the American justice system.

There is also a wealth gap along racial lines in Canada that is only growing. Celebrate Black History on your social media channels by speaking power to these causes. It will give your audience a dose of reality into the situation many black people face.

Amplify Black Voices

There is no better time than Black History Month to share the stories of black visionaries, leaders, professionals, entrepreneurs and businesses. These are the everyday heroes who dedicate themselves to their communities and make a difference through their works. Take the time to thoroughly find stories that show your black cultural appreciation while also lifting others up at the same time.

Celebrate Black History on your social media channels with a re-post on your Instagram story or inspirational quote posts. These small actions can start a wave of new attention that can put a spotlight on their contributions. A great example of this is Share the Mic UK, in which black women take over the Instagram accounts of their white counterparts.


share the mic uk


Each One, Teach One

Why do we even celebrate Black History Month? We must realize that there are still many people who are not aware of the history of black people within the diaspora and their importance within not only American history but across the world. Outside of great black historical figures like Martin Luther King, Harriet Tubman and Oscar Peterson, you can give great educational posts on some lesser-known figures like Portia White, Viola Desmond and The Honourable Lincoln M. Alexander.

Twitter threads, Tiktok clips, and sharing blog posts can be great alternatives to sharing Black History Month facts.

If you aren’t a black person yourself, you may feel out of place sharing this — don’t worry. These are educational pieces that people need to be reminded about. The more knowledge out there, the better it is for a more fulsome Black History Month experience.

Promote Resources

Social media has become a powerful way to spread information to the public about issues facing the black community. Using your platform to raise awareness and promote resources not only keeps the conversation alive but also extends the invitation to your follower’s list.

This should not be underestimated. Here are a few national and regional organizations dedicated to either fighting racial injustice or advancing racial equality:

Black History is Every Day

Remember: Black History Month is on for only 28 days, but if you want to be true to the cause, you should do this year-round and intensify your efforts. Nevertheless, this is a great opportunity to connect to your audience on a much deeper level and show your commitment to black cultural appreciation.

Did this help? How will you get your Black History Month started? Let us know in the comment section!

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