See Girl Work

MarketingHow to Strengthen Community Engagement and Outreach
community engagement for nonprofits

How to Strengthen Community Engagement and Outreach

Amplify your impact as a mission-driven leader with strategies for stronger community engagement and outreach.

When it comes to spreading vital information to underserved communities, especially in the health space, many advocacy groups find themselves at a loss.

They work tirelessly on research and content creation, only to fall short when it’s time to actually reach their audience. Often, the assumption is that posting on Instagram is all it takes to spread the word.

But here’s the truth: without a highly engaged online community, social media alone won’t cut it.

Advocacy groups need a more sophisticated approach to raise awareness and truly connect with their communities. Here’s how to get started:

1. Invest in Social Media Ads

Yes, social media can be an effective tool, but only if you’re willing to put some budget behind it. A modest investment in Facebook or Instagram ads can significantly boost your visibility, especially when targeting specific demographics.

Ads allow you to reach people who aren’t already following you and extend your message to a broader audience.

2. Tell a Story with Emotional Appeal

Facts and figures are important, but to make an impact, your audience needs to feel something. Whether it’s a health concern, social issue, or community service, consider how to connect emotionally. The reason platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels are so popular is because they’re entertaining and engaging.

While not every topic is inherently “fun,” you can still incorporate humour, inspiration, or even heartfelt stories to drive your message home. Think about how you can integrate survivor stories, donor stories or reflections from the folks who your organization has impacted positively in your marketing.

Remember, people are more likely to share content that resonates with them on a personal and emotional level.

3. Think Beyond Social Media

Social media is not the only game in town. Consider using other platforms like Google to broaden your reach. Blogs and landing pages optimized for search engines can attract people actively looking for information.

This strategy ensures that your message reaches those who are already seeking it out, rather than relying solely on social media algorithms to deliver it for you.

4. Partner with Local Organizations

You don’t have to go it alone. Collaborate with other organizations that serve the same community. By working together, you can pool resources, expand your reach, and make a greater impact. Look for groups with complementary missions and establish mutually beneficial partnerships to get your message out to more people.

5. Explore Creator Marketing

Not all influential figures need to be celebrities. Often, the best messengers are those respected within their own communities. Whether it’s a local activist, teacher, or community leader, find someone who already has a following and respect among the people you’re trying to reach.

Creator marketing doesn’t have to involve massive budgets—it’s about tapping into authentic voices that can speak directly to your audience.

6. Embrace the Power of Video

Video content is more accessible than ever, and it doesn’t require a professional film crew. Short, simple videos that tell a story or provide useful information can go a long way.

Think about what you want to convey, and find the emotional hook. Why should viewers care? Use this to guide your content, and don’t shy away from behind-the-scenes glimpses of your team and operations.

7. Share Behind-the-Scenes Moments

Transparency can be a powerful tool. By sharing behind-the-scenes content, you’re giving your audience a look at the hard work and passion that goes into your mission. This approach humanizes your organization, builds trust, and makes your message more relatable. Plus, it gives your supporters a reason to feel connected to your work.

8. Leverage Free Resources for Content Creation

High-quality content doesn’t have to come with a high price tag. Tools like Canva make it easy to create professional-looking graphics, while Unsplash and Pexels offer a library of free stock photos and videos.

For music, check out the YouTube Audio Library for royalty-free tracks. And when it comes to scheduling, tools like Buffer, Hootsuite, and Planoly help you automate and stay consistent across multiple platforms.

9. Build Your Email List to Bypass Algorithm Constraints

For many advocacy groups, Instagram is the go-to platform for outreach. But here’s a reality check: Instagram’s algorithm favours creators, not necessarily community organizations. If you’re not posting reels or trending content, you’re fighting an uphill battle. Yet, by relying solely on Instagram, many groups overlook a crucial tool—email newsletters.

Building a robust email list should be a top priority for any advocacy group. Unlike social media, where algorithms control visibility, your email list is a direct line to your audience.

Every interaction, event, or piece of content you share should include a prompt to subscribe to your newsletter. Use the link in your social media bios to invite people to join your list, not just follow you on Instagram.

With a consistent email schedule, such as 1-2 times a month, you can share valuable insights, updates, and resources directly with your subscribers. This regular cadence builds trust and keeps your community informed without relying on fleeting social media trends.

By inviting people to join your email list rather than simply follow you on social media, you’re investing in an audience that genuinely wants to hear from you, increasing engagement and creating a more resilient, direct communication channel.

10. Embrace Data: Make Google Analytics Your Best Friend

Data is not a dirty word. In fact, it’s your biggest ally in understanding and reaching your audience. If you’re unsure who’s reading what content on your website, you’re missing out on valuable insights that could shape your next steps. Google Analytics (GA) offers a window into your audience’s behaviour—what they’re clicking on, how long they’re staying, and which topics resonate most.

By harnessing GA, you can identify what content works, what falls flat, and where your audience is most engaged. This knowledge allows you to refine your strategy, focus on content that connects, and continually improve how you reach and serve your community.

Don’t let the numbers intimidate you; embrace data as a tool to amplify your impact and steer your organization in the right direction.

11. Don’t Be Afraid of AI: Use ChatGPT as a Creative Partner

AI isn’t here to replace your work—it’s here to enhance it. Tools like ChatGPT can be invaluable for brainstorming, generating ideas, crafting outlines, and even writing scripts. It can also help you conduct market research, providing quick insights and saving you time.

When used thoughtfully, ChatGPT can be your creative partner, helping you think outside the box and develop content that truly resonates.

Embrace AI as a tool to simplify and accelerate your workflow, allowing you to focus on your organization’s mission while elevating your content strategy.

The journey to truly reaching your community is filled with challenges, but it’s also rich with opportunities. If you’re ready to explore new strategies and elevate your outreach, remember you don’t have to go it alone.

Whether you need help with planning, execution, or just a fresh perspective, we’re here to support you every step of the way. Reach out to set up a consultation, and let’s make sure your message reaches the people who need it most.

Empowering Change: Our Commitment to Community Engagement

I’ve worked for some of the largest charities and non-profits in Ontario, but one of the reasons I wanted to create my own creative agency was because I saw a significant gap.

Smaller non-profits, often with limited resources, struggle to reach underserved communities in the same way larger organizations do.

This means that critical health information and awareness—especially related to research and healthcare—often miss the non-white communities they’re intended for.

While it’s true that larger NGOs have access to more funding, bigger teams, and advanced strategies, the rise of digital tools and technology has levelled the playing field.

Today, any organization, regardless of size, can reach their target audience and make an impact. My goal is to help bridge that gap, empowering smaller non-profits to effectively share their message and engage with those who need it most.

Technology has given us the opportunity, and with the right approach, we can make sure that no one is left out of the conversation.

Let’s work together to bring awareness and information where it’s needed most, and make meaningful connections in the process.


This post was written by Alethea Robinson, Founder, See Girl Work / Image via Pexels

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