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Women EmpowermentControl Your Narrative by Unleashing It
control your narrative

Control Your Narrative by Unleashing It

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You can control your narrative. You are a woman, and you are meant to lead. Don’t let changing times fool you. This is the time to step UP, not back down.

These are unprecedented times. Every day brings news of change and uncertainty. How do we control our narrative in the midst of a climate of fear and anxiety?

Don’t let changing times fool you. This is the time to step UP, not back.

You can control your narrative. You are a woman, and you are meant to lead. In fact, this is a time to reach into your inner power and emerge with a new narrative.

This is actually not done by control, it is done by release—letting go of the old, limiting power narratives and walking through the doorways of new ones.

First, let’s understand power and why you have it. Power is change, fluidity, and movement.

The most powerful force we see around us is nature. Natural power is generated by movement, fluidity, and change.

Water flows through a dam and creates energy. Wind turns the blades of a windmill and generates power.

Compared to men, you are literally designed for fluidity and change. In your physical body, you have greater sexuality, longevity, collaboration skills, intuition, communication skills, and stamina.

You menstruate, have the option for childbirth, and experience menopause. You adapt more readily to new circumstances.

You also have an energy body. It vibrates more quickly than a man’s energy body. It conducts life force more rapidly. Your energy body pulsates strongly. It can radiate helpful and healing light to others.

Since you as a woman already embody power, if you aren’t feeling it, then you need to find out why.

Try doing a power systems analysis. This is really important NOW because when this global crisis passes, and it will, owning your power to a much higher degree will help you, your loved ones, and the world.

Here’s a checklist of how to increase your power. If you can’t do everything at once, keep this list in mind and take care of it when you can.
  • Omit or deflect negative influences from your life.

You pick up the thoughts and feelings of others. So if boyfriends, family members, bosses, certain places, particular foods, or even reading the news too much drops your energy and self-confidence level, first identify the person or problem, then either block or remove the situation.

You have too much to offer to stay in a negative relationship with anyone. One way to get started on this is to make lists of what increases your energy and what lowers it. This will show you what you need to do.

  • Practice meditation and mindfulness.

There is not one right way to meditate! Go online and learn four or five ways to meditate and do what works at different times. There are wonderful teachings and teachers online.

You will have so much fun with this and can do it anywhere. Practice at least twice a day.

If you encounter a teaching you do not feel comfortable with, trust your intuition. Move on. Meditation brings you in touch with your deepest, most powerful and silent inner self.

Like anything else you learn, it will get better with practice. Most people feel a difference in their lives within just a few weeks. It’s like placing an anchor into a sea of inner light.

  • Shift up your exercise routine.

If you are staying “ in place,” then OK. You don’t need a gym. Everything is online or on your phone.

Choose some apps and do them to build your power level. I like martial arts because not only is the workout great, you learn something practical and fear-busting.

When you tone your body, you tone your mind and spirit. You already know that—just keep raising your bar.

  • Spend time alone, ideally in the nearest natural setting.

We all need to do social distancing—just add some extra time by yourself to build your power level. you spend time alone, you can hear your own thoughts and individual feelings. You get in touch with your intuition. You build up and store power.

  • Keep learning new things.

Are you in a rut in your profession or want to move to a different one? You can enroll online and get certifications.

You can pick up new skills. Not only that, learning new things keeps the mind fresh and active. Have you noticed that you feel energized after completing a daunting task? Your new education will help you increase your power level and open new doorways.

  • Step back from your narrative.

We all have one. Check to be sure—is it serving you? Instead of fighting the blockages, try being like a river.

Flow around them or over them. Breaking routines helps. Try doing all your daily routines differently. Even small changes release power.

  • Understand that the effects of gender bias are real.

A recent global UN report stated that almost 90 percent of men hold some form of bias against women.

Surprisingly, 90% of women do, too. Why? For over five millennia, men have dominated and controlled the destiny of women, to such an extent that women themselves began to believe they were powerless.

Women were given the same wrong mental conditioning as men, and most of it relates to power.

If you know the challenges you face, you have already well prepared to overcome them.

Power is not domination and control—these qualities are weak and destructive and have led to the breakdown we see around us today. Women collaborating create a force and energy that is unstoppable, since it is real power.

Times are changing. When you start rebuilding after this unprecedented time, you have the opportunity to create new, flexible women-led structures.

Men have the opportunity to release a karmic lock on their being—discomfort with and fear of the power of women—and to explore their own highest, kindest being.

Working girls, you can find peace and freedom now by living the roles you were meant to play. Use power tools to access and keep building your success.

Happiness means re-discovering who you are—a being of infinite power who can create harmony and fulfillment for yourselves and others.

Do not “control” your narrative, rather aspire to exceed it. You will flow mightily with its powerful curves.

To learn more: Women, Meditation, and Power and The Power of the Loving Man on Amazon.
Image via Diana Simumpande on Unsplash


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