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Marketing8 Types of Video Content for Your Social Media
video content for your social media

8 Types of Video Content for Your Social Media

The eight types of video content for your social media to inform and entertain your audiences, increasing brand loyalty and conversions in the process.

According to a recent article, Dropbox created a video that grew conversions by 10%. Viewed more than 750,000 times in a month, this video resulted in several thousand extra sign-ups for their service per day. Statistics reveal that including a video on your landing page can increase your conversion rate by a whopping 80%.

Over the years, video content has become increasingly attractive and engaging, and has been achieving a higher ROI than image-based content. Therefore you should incorporate video content into your marketing plan and focus on video content on social media.

The big question is: What type of video content should you post on your social media? Let’s take a look at the types of video content you should include in your marketing strategy and post on social media.

Interview / Q&A

Interviews and Q&As are great types of video content to engage your audience and satisfy their informational needs at the same time. You can interview different people like customers, team members or influencers. To keep your audience engaged, you could collect their questions through social media. Besides a recorded session, you could also experiment with live videos.


Behind-the-scenes videos are perfect for showcasing your company culture. Behind-the-scenes videos can help to humanize your brand and build trust and strengthen the connection to your audience. Great examples of behind-the-scenes videos are office tours, production videos, or behind-the-scenes of a photo shoot or company event.

Giveaways and Contests

Giveaways and contests are a great way to drum up engagement, and we all know that everyone likes free stuff. You can use videos to promote your giveaways and contests. Video content is also a fantastic way to announce the winner or host a live video to pick the winner on air.

Live Videos

Live videos have become huge features on most social media platforms and audiences are eating it up. They are a fantastic way to engage with your audience and to make your brand seem more transparent. Live videos are great to foster a connection with your fans.

User-Generated Content

Creating videos for social media can be very time-consuming. You must capture the videos and edit them to fit the social platforms and your own brand identity. Instead of sharing your own created videos, you can get your audience involved in your social media content strategy. As an established brand, there are probably already a ton of people creating high-quality content featuring your brand.

By sharing those user-generated content pieces, you can show your appreciation for their loyalty. This can encourage more people to create content for your brand. In fact, according to this article, consumers who end up on an e-commerce site through a user-generated video are 184% more likely to purchase and spend 45% more.

Announcements or Reveals

Social media platforms are also a wonderful way to update your audience with the latest products and features from your brand. So, announcements or reveals are also a great type of video content for social media. By adding fun elements to your videos, you can keep them interesting and engaging. Also, always keep in mind to edit your videos to fit your own brand identity.

Tutorials / Explainers

Tutorials and how-to videos are one of the most searched video content on social media. Although creating tutorial videos can be time-consuming and the editing is not always that easy, this video format can be highly successful and increase your audience.

Animated Videos

Animated videos are the perfect way to engage potential customers since they provide a way to present essential information in an attention-grabbing and interesting manner. Animated video content doesn’t just engage your customers, they also inspire them to actually click the buy button.

Final Thoughts

Videos are a powerful resource that can help you reach your marketing goals and build brand authority. When creating videos, keep your goals in mind and focus on creating quality content that will resonate with your audience. To start using video content to build brand authority, get in touch with us today.


Image via Unsplash

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