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MarketingEmail Marketing Tips to Step Up Your Game
email marketing tips

Email Marketing Tips to Step Up Your Game

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Creating a strong email marketing strategy will help you reach your target audience and build relationships with your prospects, leads and current customers.

Despite the rise in social media platforms and usage, email remains a key component of digital marketing. Creating a strong email marketing strategy will help you reach your target audience and build relationships with your prospects, leads and current customers.

Email marketing can be used to sell your products or services, boost referrals, upsell to current customers and re-engage customers that haven’t purchased in a while. With email marketing, you can also target your list — send different, targeted content to current customers vs prospects who haven’t purchased as yet.

The other good thing about email marketing is that you don’t have to be at the beck and call of the social media platforms and their frequent algorithm changes. Building your subscriber list, means your building your own community of customers, not borrowing them from Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.

But, according to Social Media Today, the average inbox contains 200 emails, so you’ll still have to work for your prospect’s attention. From the subject line, personalization and well-curated content, small businesses need to step up their game with the most recent email marketing best practices available. Below are a number of email marketing tips you can follow to ensure you stay on top of your email marketing campaigns.

Personalize Your Emails

One of the most critical aspects of any marketing campaign is personalization. Many people, however, mistakenly believe that customization entails addressing a subscriber by name. While this may be one factor to consider, personalization encompasses other factors such as:

  • Being on the cutting edge of relevant trends
  • Emails being sent on schedule and at appropriate times
  • Anticipating the needs and desires of your subscribers

You’ll need a strategy for collecting relevant data from your clients if you want to succeed at sending customized campaigns.

Promotions Don’t Always Equal Success

While the ultimate purpose of email marketing is to grow your business, it’s important to remember that promotions aren’t the focus. Establishing and nurturing healthy relationships with your prospects should be at the centre of your email marketing strategy. Customers that provide lifetime value and act as the driving force behind your company’s growth will arise from healthy relationships which aren’t based solely on promotions but instead on brand loyalty and trust.


Automate Where You Can

Let’s face it, if you don’t automate your email marketing, you won’t see great results. You’re losing money if you don’t use automation. The benefits of email automation include:

  • Conversion rate improvement
  • Boost in productivity
  • You can scale up and down with relative ease

Aside from these three (of many) benefits of marketing automation, you also have the benefit of having more time to accomplish other things that will help your business expand.

Segment Your Data

Customers who share key characteristics can be grouped together in segmentation. You can then do the following:

  • Create customer journeys that are specific to your company, enhancing efficiency
  • To persuade your clients to act, create customized content
  • Sending an identical email to your entire list raises the odds that your content will be irrelevant. Customers will unsubscribe from your mailing list if they regard you to be irrelevant to them

Split Test As Much As Possible

Consistently test key components of your campaigns to ensure that they are always improving. The first step in creating a successful A/B test is deciding what you want to test. While you may want to test multiple things at once, it’s critical to only test one thing at a time to ensure accurate findings. There are numerous variables you may want to consider, including:

  • Call to action (“Buy Now!)
  • Subject line (“Product XYZ on Sale”)
  • Testimonials
  • Formatting and layout
  • Body text
  • Headline
  • Closing text
  • Images
  • Specific offers

Channel Integration

One of the biggest mistakes people make on new email marketing campaigns is to not integrate the email marketing messages into different channels such as Facebook and Pinterest.

Email New Contacts within 24 Hours

It’s critical to capitalize on the window of opportunity when your company or brand is on the minds of your prospects. What individuals do when you email them within 24 hours of subscribing to your newsletter, signing up for an offer, and so on, can give you a good idea of what future interaction will look like. It’s also a fantastic opportunity to market yourself and set expectations.

Quality Check The Preview Text

The first few lines of text from the body of your email will be displayed alongside the subject line in email programmes like the iPhone Mail app, Gmail, and Outlook. To put it another way, it’s a text preview of the email’s content. The amount of text displayed is determined by the email client and the user’s preferences. Use it to give a quick, to-the-point summary of what you’re giving — and keep it under 50 characters.

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