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Women EmpowermentHow to Slay Your Sundays
african american woman

How to Slay Your Sundays

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If you take advantage of your Sundays to relax and prepare for the rest of the week, Mondays will be a lot less scary and you’ll have a better mindset.

I think of Sundays as a chance to reset for the week ahead. I always need to be able to relax, unwind, have a nice dinner and put my feet up on Sundays.

After a busy week and a Saturday spent doing chores, working on the blog and scheduling my social media for the week, my Sunday’s are for doing whatever I want.

I tend to limit my working hours, lounge around in my PJ’s, indulge in my cup of coffee and watch a lot of football on Sundays.

Mondays are less scary and I will have a better mindset come the new week, if I know I can be this kind of productivity on Sunday.

If you take advantage of your Sundays to prepare for the rest of the week, life can be a heck of a lot easier.

Below are 6 ways you can slay your Sundays.


Entrepreneurship and getting enough sleep sound almost hilarious. Pulling all-nighters while working on your business is probably standard (especially if you have a day job).

But on Sundays, I literally force myself to oversleep. Don’t get me wrong, by oversleep I mean waking up at 8:30am instead of 6:30am, but it’s those extra hours are still a Sunday win.

Adequate sleep is a key part of a healthy lifestyle, and can benefit your heart, weight, mind, and more. Good sleep improves your memory, spurs creativity, lowers stress and sharpens your attention span.

Practice Yoga

Yoga gives me an awareness to stop myself in the moment, roll out my mat, breathe deep and feel better. It may not change what’s happening around me, but it always leaves me with a refreshed point of view and a better attitude.


This may sound cliche but I am a big believer in it. As busy and crazy as my days can be, I try to make sure I do the things that will recharge me. For me that means using Sundays to spend time with friends, having date nights and infusing self-care best practices.

“Sunday’s are all about self love for me. I don’t like to dwell too much on what I am doing on Monday, I am more about the present moment. Chilling with my friends on a Sunday, walking in nature (as this my form of meditation), having a bath, cooking great food—this is where true preparation comes from.”
Meal Prep

I grocery shop on Wednesdays and Saturdays. And I prep on Wednesday and Sundays. I find that having a rough schedule for shopping and prepping meals takes the stress off plus it keeps me on track with my fitness goals.

Map Out Your Week Ahead

Use Sundays to plan out your weekly to-do list. Write a master list in your planner or agenda for the week of the things you need to do. Keep it reasonable and reachable, but having these things written down will give you direction during the week when you are trying to get it all done.

“Of course, I have to factor in quality time with my boyfriend, friends and family somewhere in the mix, as well! I usually like to take it easy on Sundays and mentally go through my week at a glance.”
Eat a Healthy Dinner

Healthy eating is a big one for me. Whenever I have a healthy dinner with lean protein, whole grains and lots of veggies, it always makes me feel comforted and wholesome.

Overall healthy eating habits can improve your mood, boost your energy, controls your weight and improves longevity.

Since I have more time to dedicate to cooking on Sunday’s, I usually go all out with a bigger dinner, a glass of wine and a little dessert.

Now It’s Your Turn

How do you slay your Sundays? Let me know in the comments section below how you use your Sundays to create a more productive week.

Image via Sherry Zhu on Unsplash


Comments: 5

  • Michelle Robinson

    Sundays are usually my rest days as well. I start off by going to church which usually recharges me and gets me ready to face a new week. I also indulge in Sunday football, I may read, prep meals for the week, and spend quality time with my family (parents, siblings, and their kids). I also love to watch corny Hallmark movies. I love Sundays!

  • RIkki Parker

    I actually love this post so much just because of how I’ve found Sundays to be the best days to prepare for my entire week! I do almost everything on this list. Except I usually do my house cleaning on Sundays. (Cleaning relaxes me). I enjoy it very much. I have kind of stopped meal prepping and I suck at oversleeping but that’s a really great suggestion and I may implement it to make it more bearable to wake up earlier on other days!

  • Dellea🌻

    This is such a timely post. We’re out here trying to balance it all and often forget to slow down for a day. Sunday is the perfect seeet spot for me. I feel relaxed after laying in bed (I’m literally still in bed right now!) and planning out my week makes me less anxious. Thanks for the self care reminders as well🌻

  • Tanya Ambrose

    I love this! Getting adequate rest is truly key, I try to get as much sleep as I can and once I don’t have work on a Sunday I do love sleeping in. I need to practice more self care

  • Ali

    Nice list. I usually just lazy around on Sundays trying to be as relaxed as possible. But I definitely need to start planning out my week and not wait till Monday morning. Sundays are also dedicated to hair ~ wash days and what not. Great post! 🌸

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